Virtual Kickoff Landing Page
Group Norms Podcast
This podcast lays the foundation for what is expected of you and your colleagues throughout the EWL Experience. |
Complete steps 1-3 by August 18thStep 1: Listen to the EWL Norms and podcasts on the left.
Step 2: Email the Google Group to say "hello" and to suggest additional norms, ask questions about the norms, and respond to the norms podcast. Step 3: Review member profiles. From eConspire, [password: commitment] click on Member Profiles and read about each of the women in the circle. If you have a question or if something from a profile resonates with you, comment or question to the whole Google Group. Doing this will help establish relatedness with each other and help with group formation. Deadline: August 14th. Complete steps 4- 6 by August 23rdStep 4: Take a look at eConspire. Log in to eConspire in a new tab. The password is: commitment. This contains all of your resources that you'll use throughout the EWL experience, including the updated syllabus and your Strategic Plan document. You don't need to do anything with these just yet except get yourself oriented to this page so that you know what's there and how to find things. If you have questions, post them to the Google Group so that everyone can benefit.
Step 5: Set up round robin calls. You will conduct 20 minute round robin virtual ice breakers between today and September 30th. Reach out by phone or email to each woman in the group to set up a 20 minute phone conversation. Mark down the date and time of your meetings on this Round Robin Tracker so that I can know that these sessions are getting booked. (Thanks!) All five conversations must be completed by September 30th Complete steps 6-8 by September 30thStep 6: Conduct round robin calls. Follow these instructions for each of your 20 minute phone conversations. Please follow instructions carefully, allowing only 20 minutes for the calls and asking one question per partner. These calls will help establish connectedness and relatedness and will get you in the practice of asking coaching questions. Practice being coachable (refer to norms) and letting yourself answer questions openly and honestly.
Step 7: Set aside two hours before your second one to one coaching session with Jen to take a first crack at developing your Strategic Plan. Jen will provide more instructions nearer to your coaching session. Step 8: Schedule a one hour meeting with your temporary Co-Conspirators. Permanent co-conspirator assignments will be made after you've all had a chance to work with each other. Please review the pairing/date assignments for temporary co-conspirator assignments below and get in touch with each other to book a one hour meeting during the designated week.
Please get in contact with each other to set up these phone (or Skype/GoogleHangout) meetings. You don't need to do anything else at this point except book your appointments with each other. You'll receive further guidance closer to the first temporary co-conspirator meeting. I will be in touch via email on a weekly basis to keep you on task and to provide more detailed guidance. In the meantime, don't hesitate to contact me if you need any support. Welcome again to EWL! I look forward to completing this initial work of forming the group and relatedness to one-another over the next few weeks. Thank you for your commitment and energy. Warmly, Jen |